Blogging for Business–Why Should You Have a Blog and 20 Content Ideas To Get You Started
So you’ve heard that blogging is great for SEO and a helpful part of a content marketing strategy, but you may be thinking:
“But what would I even start blogging about? And do I really need to be blogging?’
That’s a fair question. It can be hard to make that decision, especially for a brick-and-mortar company or small business who’s customer base is in-person traffic.
These days though, with what we know about content marketing, even your local plumber can benefit from having a blog on their website. From tips and tricks to DIY fixes or troubleshooting, there are nearly endless ways to provide value to your customers!
And when given the choice between your business and another with no helpful content, who do you think your potential customers will choose?
They will pick the business that stands out as a knowledgeable source of valuable information!
So, why should you be blogging?
Still not convinced that a blogging strategy can benefit your business?
In this article, we will talk about the benefits of blogging for your business and 20 easy blog ideas to get you started.
Blogging is a great way to increase your SEO and, therefore, your organic search traffic.
Think of the buyer’s journey. Before someone is ready to make a purchase, they typically go to Google and search something like…
“How do I _______?” or “Which ______ should I choose?”
When your business shows up in search results, you are establishing yourself as an answer to their problems from the very beginning. When you also provide potential customers with additional information related to their problems, you are proving your value and your expertise.
You are standing out as an expert in your niche.
A blog is a great addition to your social media strategy.
The average lifespan of a Facebook post is 6 hours, while the average lifespan for a blog post is 2 years.
This means that you can attract potential leads a lot longer through your blog than you will through your social media account.
Don’t get me wrong; social media is an incredibly valuable part of your content marketing strategy, but it should be viewed as a way to distribute and repurpose your long-term content, as well as attract and entertain your audience, rather than your entire strategy.
You can also repurpose a blog post into several social media posts and even some reels or YouTube videos for visual learners. These versions of your content will lead back to your website and guide your audience through your sales funnel.
This is a much more sustainable plan than having to continue to come up with “fresh” social media content every single day.
Blogging is a long-term marketing strategy.
While we tend to think we should see an instant turnaround from our marketing strategies, this is not always the case with your blog posts.
In fact, you’re more likely to see long-term, consistent traffic to your website because a well-written blog post will continue to answer questions and attract customers for months and even years to come.
And if you have opt-ins or an email marketing strategy set up, you can stay in touch with your potential leads, keeping you top of mind as they come closer to making their eventual purchase.
By consistently creating content with valuable information, you are establishing trust with your potential customers.
By speaking to your ideal audience, you can show that you truly understand their lifestyle, goals, and pain points.
People want to do business with someone who feels like the right match for them, and when you stand out as a trusted expert, you are putting yourself ahead of the crowd!
Blogging brings your ideal customers to you.
Blogging has an exponential effect when it comes to traffic and leads. The more content you put out there, the more people will find you in their search results, share your content with others, and drive traffic to your website!
People who follow your blog posts are typically higher-quality leads already looking for the information you provide. You won’t have 100% of them ready to make a purchase right away, but if you can continue to stay top of mind, they will be more likely to do business with you when the time is right.
If you’ve got a sales funnel set up, your blog is a great way for people to opt into your lead magnet and get onto your email list, leading them further along in the buyer’s journey.
Ok, but what should I blog about?
I understand. I was just like you thinking:
“Ok, well, maybe I can think of one or two ideas, but definitely not enough actually to create any sort of meaningful content.”
I was wrong, and here's why:
If you sat down and asked yourself whether or not your ideal customer already understands your product and why it matters in their life, could you say yes?
Probably not.
That is what you should be blogging about!
Now, you may be thinking:
“Ok, but if I start putting all this information about my product or service out there, am I just giving everything away for free?
Not at all. The wonderful thing is that you don’t have to describe every single detail about your product or service in order to provide value to your customers.
A great way to come up with ideas is to get really familiar with your target audience or your ideal client.
What do they want to know about your business? What are they most likely to engage with and find helpful?
Keyword research will also help you out immensely when looking for topics that are commonly searched for in your niche.
Now, let’s look at a few ideas to help you get started with your business blog:
What’s the story behind your business?
Why did you get started?
How does your business affect your community?
Tips and tricks of the industry
Take a deep dive into some frequently asked questions.
Compare your offer to others in your niche–not to negatively impact any other business, but to highlight your USP or unique selling point.
Think about your audience's pain points and answer some common questions they have that they might not realize relate to your product or service.
What are some common myths about your niche?
Use this space to bust those myths and educate your audience about your product or service.
DIY solutions or troubleshooting solutions
A behind-the-scenes look at the development of a product or the process of delivering your service
Highlight research or endorsements that support your product or service.
Take the reader step by step through the process of working with you.
Industry best practices—what to look for when hiring a professional in your niche
Benefits of your product or service—not just features
Case studies written as a blog post
A personal story from a past customer about the benefits they found from your product or service
Product tips and hacks
How to decide which product or service to pick if you offer more than one
Introduce your team members—this is great if you are a service-based business and your customers will be working one on one with members of your staff.
Write about events that your company either hosts or attends and why it establishes you in the community.
This is by no means a complete list of all the things you could be talking about for your business, but it is more than enough to get you started and get you to stand out as the expert that you are!
I guarantee that if you can talk about your business, you’ve got plenty of content ideas when it comes to blogging about your business!
If you’re ready to learn more about the benefits of blogging for your business, or you’re ready to dive in and craft a content marketing strategy, let’s chat!